
New feedback pages @

We moved product feedback pages to a new URL schema: instead of 


feedback pages will now locate at 


Incoming visitors will automatically be forwarded to the new URL.

Ok, so what do I need to do? There is nothing you need to do, things will continue to work. Although, as a matter of convenience we recommend to update public mentions of your feedback page such that visitors do not experience the forwarding. Just use the new URL for posting and linking from today on. 

We did this change for a couple of reasons. 

  • First of all: the new URLs are shorter. Shorter URLs are better URLs.
  • With the new URLs, any idea, feature or document will mention the product name (e.g. @SuperApp) in the URL and these URLs are more talkative.
  • The new URLs enable us to provide a better logon experience where we can soon integrate additional ID providers, such as login with Facebook and SSO.