Reference this manual for the complete list of supported features. This page is updated frequently to reflect additions or changes.
Create A Session Page
Join a Session | A user can join a session created by another player by entering the session's ID |
Create a Session | A user can create a session for other player's to join. There is no limit on the number of sessions a user can create, and sessions will exist permanently to be re-used. |
Recent Sessions | A user can easily re-join a recent session. By clicking the Recent Sessions button, a user will see a list of recently joined sessions (or a message indicating the user has no recent sessions). First time users will have an empty list, for example, until they join a session for the first time. Also, users upgrading from version 1.1.2 to 1.2.2 will have an empty list even if they've joined a session before. The list is sorted with the most recently joined sessions at the top. |
Choose A Region | When creating a session, a user will be prompted to choose a region closest to their location. The purpose is to reduce network latency and create a smoother experience. Regions are chosen manually by the user, as opposed to doing a GPS lookup, to avoid unnecessary security permissions to the user's device. |
Counter Page
Copy Session ID | The session ID can be copied to the device's clipboard to share with another user. |
Add Player | A player can be added in two ways: 1) from the "player list" section in the middle of the screen, or 2) from the "more options" dropdown on the top right of the screen. |
Edit Player | Rename a player by clicking the "more options" dropdown on the player card. |
Delete Player | Remove a player from the "more options" dropdown on the player card. |
Reset Counter | Counts can be reset to their default values be clicking the "more options" dropdown on the top-right of the screen. Players will not be removed, but their counts will be reset. |
Incrementing Counters | Counters can be incremented/decremented by 1 or 5 per tap. |
Manually Entering Counts | Any counter (e.g. health or commander damage) can easily be set to a specific value. Tap the center of the counter where the count value is displayed to open a dialog box. From there, manually enter a number within the allowed range. The input does not allow non-numeric characters. The allowed range for health, poison, and experience is from -9,999 to 99,999. The allowed range for commander damage is from -999 to 9,999. |
Dice Page
Select Number of Dice | Tap the dropdown to select any number of dices, up to 4. |
Select Number of Sides | Tap the dropdown to select number of sides on each dice. |
Coin Toss Page
Flip | Tap the "Flip" button to do a random coin toss |
Logs Page
Filter Players | Select the "Player Filter" dropdown to select which logs to display by player. |
Positive Differences | Positive differences since the last log entry are displayed in green text. |
Negative Differences | Negative differences since the last log entry are displayed in red text. |
Date/TimeLog | The creation date and time of each log entry is displayed in the right column. |
Commander Damage | When commander damage changes, the player that received damage, the player that dealt damage, the damage amount, and the date/time the damage changed are created as a log entry. |
Log Delay | When a counter value changes, a 3 second countdown starts. If the countdown finishes, a log entry is created with the change. If another change is made before the countdown finishes, the countdown resets and each change is accumulated to create a "net change," which will be recorded to the log entry once the countdown expires. |
Settings Page
Hide/Show Commander Damage | The ability to hide/show the commander damage counters for the specific device. |
Hide/Show Poison Counter | The ability to hide/show the poison counter for a specific device. |
Hide/Show Experience Counter | The ability to hide/show the experience counter for a specific device. |
Insomnia | Enabling Insomnia will prevent the device from going to sleep. If the application is not running or not currently opened, the device will fall asleep as usual. |
Starting Health | Set default starting count for all players. Once this value is changed, adding new players or resetting will use the new start health. The input does not allow non-numeric characters. If the input does not represent a valid number, the starting health will be defaulted to 0 after saving. The allowed range for the starting health is from -99 to 999. |
Offline Mode | Enable offline mode to save data usage. This is useful if only one user is keeping track of counts and other users are not using the application. Once offline mode is disabled, the counts will automatically be synced with the session and update on other user's devices again. |
Battery Saver Theme | Save your battery life and use a cool looking theme! Dark themes are becoming popular since they're easy on the eyes and help save battery life. According to Google, battery savings from using a dark theme with OLED screens can be from 15% to 60%! |