Effective immediately, Productific discontinues support for log-in with Twitter.
We apologize to all users affected.
This comes with a wave of suspensions that the app economy is seeing under the new Twitter leadership .Twitter Inc. are forcing partners to discontinue using log-in with Twitter, API access has been quietly suspended for 3rd party log-in. See reports on Mashable, TechCrunch, and on Twitter's developer community. Appearently, Twitter are planning to phase out their API access for small partners, or possibly there is an inability to maintain API operations under the new management.
To support the app economy and make it easier for others to research the issue, here comes some Developer Info.
The Twitter developer dashboard is showing our API asccess suspended along with a message "This App has violated Twitter Rules and policies. As a result, it can no longer be accessed. For assistance, submit a support ticket." One would expect that Twitter provide an option for creating a support ticket. But this is the new Twitter... the message comes with a link to https://help.twitter.com/forms/platform, which just redirects to the general Twitter support page, entirely unrelated to the developer platform. An option for support tickets is not available. The most reliable source of information seems to be this thread on the Twitter developer community.
Note that this is unrelated to the enforced plan upgrade accompanied by an email like the following, which can be fixed by a plan upgrade.
From: Twitter support@twitter.com
Subject: Application suspension notice
This is a notice that your app **** has been suspended from accessing the Twitter API.
Please visit developer.twitter.com to sign up to our new Free, Basic or Enterprise access tiers.
More information can be found on our developer community forums.
Twitter Developer Platform