User Feedback for Podcasts
none Use Case How-To

You are running a podcast and want to engage with users? Running a feedback page on Productific is an easy way to connect to users and find out what they want next. This how-to document describes how to collect user feedback for podcasts in 5 minutes. 

Your audience knows what they like about the podcast. Listeners have favourite episodes and know exactly what topic they want covered next. Collecting feedback from your existing audience is an easy way to find out how to attract new listeners and keep the existing happy.

To collect feedback you can ask for emails, read comments, surf communities - or simply use a tool to collect ideas and run user voting.

Posting an email address like can enable your audience to get in touch with you. They will simply write an email. You can ask for email engagement at the end of each episode. However, not all users are happy writing emails and responding to emails can be a bit of work once the numbers scale up. For example, keeping track of emails that represent similar feedback usually requires you to manually count and maintain a backlog in a tool, e.g. in Excel or Trello. When writing emails, users typically expect a personalized response and quick action. In general, a feedback email is user engagement on a personal level but does not scale well when numbers go up.

Places like Quora, Reddit, Facebook Groups and any other community are a good way to collect user feedback for podcasts. You can engage with listeners and find out about what they like about your podcast and where new episodes should zoom in. Moreover, users can interact with other users and exchange info, so the fanbase interaction can stir it up and happen without your moderation. But managing a community can also be a challenge. You need to invest online time. Lack of moderation can have the audience turning sour without you noticing, so showing some presence is a must-do in communities. Some podcast platforms offer comments and some minimum interaction, the same pro & con as for all communities apply.

Audience voting and idea collection in Productific
Showing you care about your audience will turn listeners into fans and fans into multipliers. In addition to the above mentioned ways there is an easy solution to collect user feedback for podcasts: setting up a feedback page on Productific. It only takes minutes to get started:

Step 1: 
Join Productific on the free trial of any plan, ideal for testing and exploration. 

Step 2: 
Create a feedback page for your podcast. Describe your podcast so the page can be discovered by Google and list a few promising ideas for new episodes.

Step 3: 
Publish the URL of the feedback page to your audience. While most listeners will use web search, direct linking is beneficial. The URL can be added your podcast's description, on the website / Facebook page, or simply be mentioned at the end of each episode.

Step 4:
Monitor new incoming ideas and voting results to identify the most attractive new episodes for your podcast. Re-engage with your users on a frequent basis to get additional feedback, post news, and check our how-to for getting more user feedback

With these four simple steps you’ve set up an audience feedback page so your listeners can submit their own ideas for new podcast episodes and vote for their most favourite new topic.

About Productific: a user feedback tool for Podcasts

Productific is an excellent choice as a tool to grow a podcast based on user feedback for several reasons:

  • User-centric approach:
    Productific is known for its user-centric approach. It values user feedback and actively incorporates it into the content creation process. This means that the Podcast's content is continuously improving based on the needs and suggestions of its audience. By using Productific, you can rest assured that audience feedback and ideas will be taken into account, resulting in content that centers in on the desires of your audience.

  • Iterative progress:
    Productific drives an iterative content improvement process, enables podcast owners to regularly releasing episodes based on user feedback. This means that content stays up-to-date with the latest audience trends and emerging needs. As a podcaster, this helps to drive your podcast's growth and extend its audience.

  • Customization:
    Productific offers a high level of customization, allowing podcast owners to tailor the tool to unique podcasting needs. Different audiences have varying needs and objectives. Productific provides flexible options that can be adjusted to align with your specific requirements, ensuring you speak your audience's language.

  • Data-driven insight:
    Productific provides detailed analytics and data-driven insights that can help you make informed decisions about your podcast's growth strategy. By leveraging audience feedback, the tool continuously provides accurate and actionable information. This allows you to track key metrics, understand your audience better, identify trends, and optimize your podcast accordingly.

  • Community engagement:
    Productific fosters a vibrant user community where podcast listeners can connect and share desires. This collaborative environment is invaluable for gaining insights and strategies to grow the podcast. By actively engaging with your audience community, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge and collective wisdom to enhance your podcasting journey.

In summary, Productific's data-driven approach to user feedback makes it an excellent choice as a tool to grow your podcast. By utilizing this tool, you can leverage user feedback to optimize your podcasting grow strategy.

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