Feature Requests in Productific
Use Case

Your product has active users. Your product provides value. Users know exactly what they need to get their job done and that’s why they choose your product.

But there may be applications of your product that you haven’t thought of yourself. Your users can see features and markets outside your original reach. Let them tell you about these ideas!

A Feature Request Software

With Productific you can have users submitting feature requests and ideas. These new ideas help your product grow and increase customer loyalty.

The product listing provides the option to submit feature requests: users can ask for small improvements, for new features or for adjustments which improve the product according to their needs.

The Productific dashboard will display new incoming feature requests, it also sends email notifications. When accepting a feature request, you can assign the request to an existing idea (or planned feature) or create a new idea based on the user request.

When assigned to an idea, you can access the original request sent by the user and track back. You know which ideas are backed by user requests and what the ask of the original request is.

Later on, once you built the feature, you can communicate to all customers who requested a feature. This contact list is right at your finger tips in Productific.


Your users can suggest new features and product improvements to help your product grow and increase retention. Productific is a software to collect and manage feature request.

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