Turbo-charge adoption of new features. Engage users by letting them know what's new in the product.
Let your customers know about new features to turbo-charge engagement. Show a list of improvements and enhancements. Once users see the news they can try it out. Entries are based on ideas previously listed for feedback that are built and available now - you move ideas to the changelog with just one click.
Anyone working with your product can see the latest updates in-app, right in place when using the product. In the embeddable changelog widget product news are presented to users and users can easily dive into it.
The Productific changelog page displays a list of improvements and enhancements recently shipped for your product. You can move ideas listed for feedback and roadmap items into the changelog with just one click - just in time when features are built and available to users. SEO and discoverability included for your product updates, automatically.
Example: see our own changelog
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